Saturday, January 23, 2010

Treatment of TB

What if my child had a positive PPD and Chest X-ray –your child has TB which will need treatment. Since TB is such a hard bacteria to kill your doctor will recommend six months of treatment with four different medications. Four in the first two months to really start to get ahead of the infection and two the last four months.

Why did they make my child give sputum samples for three days? This is one of the ways to diagnose active TB. If the samples are negative they may either delay treatment until you leave China or start treatment in China before letting you fly. The reason is even if a child has the positive X-ray the abnormalities are usually small, children don’t cough up sputum (and the TB bacteria) as much as adults and when they do there are few bacteria in it. rea

 Why does the doctor want to see my child take the medicine? -The biggest cause for people not completing their treatment successfully is folks/parents forgetting to give the medicine therefore physicians usually recommend directly observed treatment. A trained health professional other than the parents will need to see the child take each and every dose of medicine- a major hassle but TB is bad and can easily spread so killing the bacteria effectively is critical.

My child’s chest x-ray was normal but they still want to treat?  If the PPD was positive, particularly in a child coming from China, your child was exposed to TB and has some hibernating (called latent) TB in the lungs that is just too small for an X-ray to see. Even a CT scan, which can see even smaller abnormalities, will not see it but it is most likely there. Since TB can be so dangerous it should be treated. The treatment is called INH and it is taken for 9 months daily but, unlike the children with a positive X-ray the doctor doesn’t need to see your child take each dose- count your blessing where they come. In studies of children who were treated for latent TB almost 100% didn‘t have TB occur in 20 years. Some doctors will elect to watch a patient without treatment if they were in a low risk environment but China is not low risk- it is near the top of the World Health Organizations top 20 list for TB. If they do treat, they will consider also giving vitamin B6 because INH can deplete this important vitamin; in well-nourished children it is not usually given but with your child coming from a Chinese orphanage, the assumption will be that he or she is not well nourished.


Terri said...

This is great & thank you so much for taking the time to help educate us all!!! I do have a question. We have a file on an 8 yr old with Hep B. We are waiting to hear back from our Dr.s but any advice would be great. Is it a major SN that you would hinder a child from having a forever famiy?

Thank you so much for any help!

China Doc said...

Terri, I want to make sure I am giving you the most accurate information and will be researching Hep B in more depth tomorrow. Stay tuned for an answer.


China Doc said...

Depends on the subgroup of hepatitis B and whether another Hepatitis Hepatitis D is present but about 3% of children go on to develop full blown Cirrhosis each decade of life and about 5% go on to develop Hepatocellular cancer per decade. Treatment effectiveness has varied and consists of several combinations of meds for up to 12 months. Results are measured not in longer life or less disease but in whether the virus becomes undetectable in the blood- so at this point we don't know if it makes children live longer. In some studies up to 60% of the children responded but it seems that Asian children are less likely to respond as well as non-Asian and the rates have been lower around 17%. The doctors will monitor your child carefully to decide whether to treat and whether a cancer is developing. Treatment of cancer, if it develops involves surgical removal of the cancer or liver transplantation.

Terri said...

Thank you so much Tom, we really appreciate you taking the time & looking into this for us!!

Chris said...

Tom, where do you go to get the Quanti_Feron Gold TB blood test? I've heard that is a more accurate test than the standard we are more likely to see in China and not likely to be off due to BCG which most kids get in China